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The Bank of Canada normally responds to the threat of a large recession by aggressively cutting interest rates. It won’t be able to use this strategy the next time around: short-term interest rates would hit zero before the job is done. Instead, the Bank will have to rely on large-scale purchases of long-term financial assets (quantitative easing) and a big depreciation of the Canadian exchange rate. While helpful, these policies are unlikely to be as effective as the Bank’s traditional strategy for fighting recessions.

The Bank’s benchmark-interest rate is now only 1.75 per cent, well below its level of 4.5 per cent on the eve of the 2007 financial crisis. Long-term interest rates are even lower. There is no reason to expect that these rates will rise substantially in the foreseeable future.

The growth rate of Canadian workers’ productivity is alarmingly low and the working population is aging. These forces are driving the IMF’s forecast of declining growth in Canadian GDP. Under these circumstances, no one should expect rapid growth in the demand for funds to invest in the real side of the Canadian economy. At the same time, we should expect aging populations around the world to save more, with high demand for safe Canadian and U.S. financial assets.

In sum, powerful forces are working to keep the supply of savings high and the demand for funds to invest low. The net result has been and will continue to be low nominal and real (inflation-corrected) interest rates.

So what happens the next time the Bank of Canada is called on to combat a big recession? Odds are that it won’t be able to use its traditional strategy of lowering interest rates by enough to deal with the problem. As a benchmark, the Bank cut its policy rate by 4.25 percentage points in response to the financial crisis. No one thinks the Bank could or should cut short-term interest rates from 1.75 per cent to negative 2.5 per cent points. Economists refer to this problem as “the effective-lower bound” constraint on interest rates.

The Bank of Canada is currently reviewing alternative long-term strategies to deal with the effective-lower bound problem. The set of alternatives should be expanded to include allowing for wider swings in inflation over time in an effort to fight incipient downturns.

The latter strategy would entail the Bank lowering the threshold for the risk of a downturn that causes it to cut its policy rate. Yes, such a policy shift could temporarily drive inflation above its mid-range target of two per cent. But increased risk aversion about an economic downturn is justified given the effective-lower bound problem. If downturns are costlier than they used to be — because they’re harder to get out of — optimal policy should reflect that fact. And we should remember that the target rate of inflation is a medium-term objective. It’s OK to occasionally be above target as long you’re clear why and what your strategy is for returning to two per cent over time.

The Bank certainly would have to monitor medium-term inflation expectations, paying close attention to whether those expectations remain anchored at two per cent. But to put the possibility of de-anchoring in context, since 2011, inflation in Canada has been below two per cent for extended periods of time. Yet inflation expectations have remained anchored at two per cent. The public has correctly understood that that the two per cent target is a medium-run target.

It would take a long time to convince elected officials of the wisdom of such a substantial change to the Bank of Canada’s current inflation-targeting regime. It would take even longer to credibly communicate a new strategy to the public. We may not have the luxury of time before Canada faces the prospect of a severe recession. As the recent flurry of discussions about the heightened risk of a recession makes clear, the list of things that could go wrong is long and daunting.

What should the Bank of Canada do in the face of this challenge? First, it needs to decide what to do if there is a severe recessionary shock before its new long-run strategies are in place. In 2015 the Bank updated its general framework for conducting policy in a low interest-rate environment. That framework involves a discussion of the general tools at the Bank’s disposal. It would be good for the Bank to articulate its strategy, as concretely as possible, of how and when it would use these different tools.

As the Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank and the Bank of Japan have done in the past, the Bank of Canada will almost certainly want to engage in large-scale purchases of long-term financial assets (“quantitative easing”) to drive long-run interest rates down. But which assets should they purchase? Government debt? Mortgages? High-quality corporate debt? Stocks (as in Japan)? Canada is only one of the many players in global markets. In making its choices, the Bank needs to ask the hard question: what yields can it have a substantial impact on?

Second, the Bank needs to communicate its strategy to the public. Critically, the Bank needs to manage expectations about what it can accomplish with various programs. As with short-term rates, we’re starting from a point where long-term rates are low. So policymakers and the public shouldn’t expect large-scale asset purchases to be a perfect panacea for normal monetary policy.

Third, during a severe recession the Bank should allow a substantial depreciation of the Canadian dollar. A depreciation of the Canadian dollar encourages an increase in net exports, boosting the net demand for products produced by Canadians, which is just what we need in a deep recession. Of course, our neighbours to the south may see things differently. So we must be clear that the Bank is not actively intervening in exchange rate markets.

Still, exchange rates will probably depreciate more in future recessions for at least two reasons. First, the Bank’s new tools probably won’t be effective as its old tools, which means future recessions will be larger. That in turn means the associated depreciation of the Canadian dollar will be larger. Second, quantitative easing will directly contribute to a depreciation of the Canadian dollar. As the Bank pushes down nominal yields on Canadian financial assets, some investors will redirect their investments towards foreign assets. These investors will sell Canadian dollars to buy the foreign currency they need to acquire foreign assets. So large-scale purchases of assets by the Bank will contribute to a depreciation of the Canadian dollar.

Because of its dependence on commodity exports the Canadian economy is particularly sensitive to global downturns. That means the Bank of Canada is particularly exposed to the effective-lower bound constraint on short-term interest rates. It is incumbent on the Bank to communicate its strategy for dealing with that problem. The public need to be prepared for the bumpy road ahead that we will almost certainly be travelling along.

Martin Eichenbaum, a Canadian citizen, is an international fellow at the C.D. Howe Institute and Charles Moskos professor of economics at Northwestern University.

Published in the National Post