
Une véritable réconciliation avec les peuples autochtones doit aller au-delà des symboles pour se traduire en actions concrètes pour accélérer le rattrapage économique des Premières Nations, des Inuits et des Métis.

En cette Journée nationale de la vérité et de la réconciliation, examinons la contribution potentielle de la finance durable à ce rattrapage. En 2015, la Commission du même nom avait appelé le milieu des affaires à s’engager à reconnaître les droits des peuples autochtones, à leur faire place parmi leurs employés, dirigeants et actionnaires, à investir dans leurs communautés et à éduquer leur personnel sur ces enjeux.


Dans la culture autochtone, la terre n’appartient à…

Two years ago, during a pandemic-induced recession, the unemployment rate was in double-digits and nearly three million workers lost their jobs. Yet for the job market, it seems like ages ago. Canada’s job numbers have bounced back, and with national unemployment rates hovering at all-time lows, we are suddenly confronted (again) with labour and skills shortages.

The inability of employers to find workers with the right skills to fill record-high vacancies is dampening Canada’s economic growth and competitiveness. It also affects health care access and contributes to inflationary pressure, disrupting supply chains and, more broadly, limiting our ability to make headway in raising living standards and in transitioning to a lower…

My colleagues and I at the C.D. Howe Institute devote much of our daily attention to criticizing poorly conceived and ineptly implemented policy in Canada. As we should. That’s our job. And our governments keep us all too well supplied.

On occasion, however, people outside Canada ask us about how Canada ranks as a place to live, work, invest, or locate a business. For me, those questions trigger a happy 180-degree turn. The professional nag steps back and the booster of Canada as one of the world’s most favoured nations takes over. As we welcome 2020 with some thoughts about things we in Canada do well, and should keep doing well, here are three ways we stand out.

First on my list — first on so many people’s lists — is…

The refugee crisis and its global dimension continues as a major challenge for the international community. In our hemisphere alone, the United Nations estimates a staggering 5.4 million forcibly displaced Venezuelans by the end of 2019.

All of this serves as an urgent reminder that intergovernmental action is needed to address the crisis, not just in our own neighbourhood, but in other parts of the globe where refugees continue to flood across borders.

While collective intergovernmental action is needed for long-term solutions, there are important ways for the business community to be engaged as an important companion to state action.

Such private-sector initiatives would help to foster commercial activity and…

Canada is becoming increasingly reliant on immigration for its labour-force growth, which in turn is a key component of economic prosperity. However, not all Canadians may be aware of this beneficial impact of immigration. Understanding it better may shed light on debates over the country’s immigration policy.

Because of rapid population aging over the past decade, the labour force is shrinking as a percentage of the population, as the rate of participation of Canadians in the work force drops sharply past the age of 64. In order to mitigate the negative impacts of this demographic change on the economy and government finances, the federal government has been raising Canada’s annual immigration intake.

While high…