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Feb 18

Capital Losses: Canada’s Business Investment Crisis

Webinar with Balázs Égert, Stéfane Marion and William B.P. Robson

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Business investment in Canada has been so weak that our capital stock is shrinking relative to our workforce. Investment per worker abroad, especially in the United States, has been far stronger. Please join the C.D. Howe Institute on Friday, February 18 for an in-depth discussion on the ominous numbers, the implications for growth, and possible policy solutions.

C.D. Howe Institute events and webinars are open to members and their guests.

Please follow this link or contact events@cdhowe.org to register.

Balázs Égert, Senior Economist, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

Balazs Egert is Head of the Quantification of Reforms Workstream at the OECD Economics Department. His main research interests cover public policy reforms, international economics and finance, macro and monetary economics as well as development economics. He has published in academic journals including the American Economic Review, European Economic Review, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Comparative Economics, Journal of Macroeconomics, Macroeconomic Dynamics  and the World Economy.


Stéfane Marion, Chief Economist and Strategist, National Bank of Canada; Executive Vice-President, Financial Markets

Stéfane Marion is Chief Economist and Strategist for National Bank of Canada and National Bank Financial, a position he has held since November 2008. In 2018, Mr. Marion was ranked the leading economist in Canada according to Brendan Wood International. In 2012, the C.D. Howe Institute appointed Mr. Marion to its Monetary Policy Council and to the newly established Business Cycle Council.

Mr. Marion joined NBF’s Economics Group in 1999. Previously, Mr. Marion worked for several years in the federal departments of Finance and Industry in Ottawa, where, in addition to economic analysis and forecasting, he also worked on microeconomic policy impact studies. In particular, he participated in the development of forecasting models and the analysis of the FTA and NAFTA free-trade agreements with the United States and Mexico.

Mr. Marion holds a Bachelor’s degree and a Master’s degree in Economics from the Université de Montréal.


William B.P. Robson, Chief Executive Officer, C.D. Howe Institute

Bill Robson took office as CEO of the C.D. Howe Institute in July 2006, after serving as the Institute’s Senior Vice President since 2003 and Director of Research from 2000 to 2003. He has written more than 240 monographs, articles, chapters and books on such subjects as government budgets, pensions, healthcare financing, inflation and currency issues. His work has won awards from the Policy Research Secretariat, the Canadian Economics Association, and the Donner Canadian Foundation. He is a Senior Fellow at Massey College and holds an ICD.D designation from the Institute of Corporate Directors. He is a member of the Panel of Senior Advisors to the Auditor General of Ontario and the Ifo World Economic Survey expert group, and a regular commentator on BNN/Bloomberg. Bill taught undergraduate public finance and public policy at the University of Toronto from 2000 to 2003, and a Master’s level course in public finance at the University of Toronto’s Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy from 2014 to 2019.

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