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August 15, 2013

Canada’s potential trade deal with the European Union, if it is ambitious, could generate far more opportunities than risks, according to a new report from the C.D. Howe Institute.  In “Uneasy Birth: What Canadians Should Expect from a Canada-EU Trade Deal,” author Daniel Schwanen outlines what would be a good deal for Canada, and suggests how negotiators can address the potentially negative impacts identified by critics.  He also sets the issue in the wider context of Canada’s trade with the world. “We are nearing a turning point for Canadian trade policy, whether a deal is reached in the next few weeks, or not,” said Schwanen. “The issues involved are global: it is a good test case for how Canada will adapt to emerging trade realities.”


Daniel Schwanen

Daniel Schwanen is Senior Vice-President of the C.D. Howe Institute. An award-winning economist with a passion for international economic policy, he leads the Institute's trade and international policy program. In his role as Senior Vice-President, he ensures the coordination and success of the C.D.