287 results found for "basic income"
The C.D. Howe Institute is delighted to announce the launch of The Regent Debate series with a cocktail reception - where experts will face-off on the critical question: "Should Western democracies, such as Canada, establish a universal basic income to help their citizens cope with the disruptive effect of new technologies and artificial intelligence?” Post-Event Summary   The…
General page
Image "The goal [of the Regent Debate series] is to develop a marquee platform for serious discussion on issues that are critical to Canada's future... How governments should respond to support workers buffeted by the stormy seas of technological change is really at the heart of tonight's discussion. It is complex and a timely subject. So I think tonight will…
Intelligence Memos
In the C.D. Howe Institute’s inaugural Regent Debate four prominent voices sparred over the following question: Should Western democracies, such as Canada, establish a universal basic income? Today, we present CNN commentator Paul Begala’s argument in favour. We face a crisis of work. Automation, technology, and artificial intelligence are changing the very nature of work itself in profound ways…
Media Release
January 24, 2017 – Providing a comprehensive, one-size-fits-all guaranteed annual income (GAI) is not the best solution to fighting poverty in Canada, according to a new report from the C.D. Howe Institute. In “Toward a New Balance in Social Policy: The Future Role of Guaranteed Annual Income within the Safety Net,” author Peter Hicks urges policymakers to address poverty by using a “bottom-up”…
On April 11th, 2018 the C.D. Howe Institute hosted its inaugural Regent Debate, where four prominent voices sparred over the following question: Should Western democracies, such as Canada, establish a universal basic income to help their citizens cope with the disruptive effects of new technologies and artificial intelligence? Watch the full video, including introductory arguments, rebuttals, and…
Intelligence Memos
In the C.D. Howe Institute’s inaugural Regent Debate four prominent voices sparred over the following question: Should Western democracies, such as Canada, establish a universal basic income? Today, former senator Hugh Segal’s argument in the affirmative. I will be humble in my presentation except to say this: Janice (MacKinnon) made some very good points. None of them relate to the issue at hand…