143 results found for "basic income"
Media Release
January 24, 2017 – Providing a comprehensive, one-size-fits-all guaranteed annual income (GAI) is not the best solution to fighting poverty in Canada, according to a new report from the C.D. Howe Institute. In “Toward a New Balance in Social Policy: The Future Role of Guaranteed Annual Income within the Safety Net,” author Peter Hicks urges policymakers to address poverty by using a “bottom-up”…
Hugh Segal is principal of Massey College. He served in the Canadian Senate as a Conservative from Ontario and was vice-chair of the subcommittee on urban poverty. Every democracy’s internal legitimacy is tied to how fair the residents of that country feel their society is or tries to be. The fairness of laws, the fairness of government generally, the mix of fairness and opportunity…
Media Release
April 30, 2012 – The Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) could improve its development aid impact by focusing on basic education, according to a report released today by the C.D. Howe Institute. In What CIDA Should Do: The Case for Focusing Aid on Better Schools, author John Richards documents the importance of universal literacy in enabling countries to escape from extreme levels of…
The prairies' experience in handling inter-provincial conflicts over water-use may point the way to success in the MackenzieRiver Basin, according to a report released today by the C.D. Howe Institute. In Resolving Water-Use Conflicts: Insights from the Prairie Experience for the Mackenzie River Basin, law professor David Percy says a cooperative approach led the prairie provinces to a basic…
The accumulation of past failures in fighting poverty has breathed new life into proposals to introduce a basic income, also known as a Guaranteed Annual Income. Ontario, for example, has a pilot project underway championed by former senator Hugh Segal. But, is the basic income approach, where governments provide direct financial support to low-income people, the best approach? Basic income…