39 results found for "guaranteed annual income"
Providing a comprehensive, one-size-fits-all guaranteed annual income (GAI) is not the best solution to fighting poverty in Canada, according to a new report from the C.D. Howe Institute. In “Toward a New Balance in Social Policy: The Future Role of Guaranteed Annual Income within the Safety Net,” author Peter Hicks urges policymakers to address poverty by using a “bottom-up” approach and…
Expanding the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) is a risky route to addressing Canadian concerns about low incomes in retirement, according to a report released today by the C.D. Howe Institute. In “Don’t Double Down on the CPP: Expansion Advocates Understate the  Plan’s Risks,” author William B.P. Robson says advocates of an expanded CPP as a solution to retirement income worries too often promote…
While public debate has mainly focused on the “gold-plated” defined benefits of many public-service pension plans, the real problem lies in a flawed approach to managing compensation costs, according to respected pension expert Malcolm Hamilton.  In, “Evaluating Public-Sector Pensions: How Much Do They Really Cost?” Hamilton says the problem is government sponsors who typically underestimate…
Federal public servants have pension guarantees in their defined-benefit pension plans that are mispriced, causing Ottawa to seriously underestimate the cost of the pension plans and the total compensation of its employees, according to a report released today by the C.D. Howe Institute.  In “Evaluating Public-Sector Pensions: Are Federal Public Servants Overpaid?” respected pension expert…