10 results found for %22basic%20income%22
Bill Robson, CEO of the C.D. Howe Institute, joined BNN Bloomberg to discuss its latest report that explores why business investment in Canada is lagging so far behind other developed economies. He says Ottawa needs to invest in non-residential construction, machinery and intellectual property to equip Canadians with the incomes required to afford the high cost of living.
What would Canada look like without the Trans-Pacific Partnership? In this final edition of our video series we look at a Canada with, and one without, the TPP. To read the comprehensive analysis, click here.
Governments across Canada are examining policies to promote low greenhouse gas emissions technology, which will be vital to meet Canada’s pledge to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 30 percent compared to 2005 levels by 2030. What is the best policy mix for promoting these green technologies? In this video we look at a three step blueprint that will lead to the efficient…
Alexandre Laurin, Director of Research at C.D. Howe Institute, visited Amanda Lang at BNN to outline how high-income taxpayers have responded to Ottawa's 2016 tax hike by minimizing their tax burden. He also talks about what he sees as the better alternative to raising taxes on the one percenters. View at BNN