43 results found for %22basic%20income%22
Published in the Financial Post on March 22, 2012 By Philip Cross Recently, the CBC released a DVD set featuring all its televised work of Glenn Gould. One of the interesting non-musical items was his hour-long film calledThe Idea of North, a reminder of the recurring if intermittent Canadian infatuation with our Northern frontier. We seem to be in one of those moods these days, with annual photo…
Published in the Globe and Mail on January 19, 2012 By William Robson Debate over retirement income is hot. It’s partly that Canadians are getting older. But it’s mainly the growing realization that the next generation of retirees may live less comfortably than their parents have done. People are living longer, and returns on investment are lower. So hitting the targets their parents achieved…
Published in the Globe and Mail on May 8, 2012 By John Richards The second of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals is to ensure that by 2015, “children everywhere” are able to complete primary school. Some progress has been realized over the past decade and under the earlier Education For All initiative, which was strongly endorsed by Canada and other G8 countries. Some progress, but…
Publié dans Les Affaires le 22 Octobre 2012 Par Alexandre Laurin Le maintien de la contribution santé rendue «progressive» et financée par une légère hausse d'impôt, selon l'annonce du ministre des Finances, sera bien moins dommageable pour l'économie que les fortes hausses d'impôt promises au départ. Cependant, même si le gouvernement a grandement amélioré son plan fiscal, il reste que la hausse…
Published in the Edmonton Journal on March 14, 2012 By David Percy As the pace of development increases on the Mackenzie River Basin in northern Alberta and British Columbia, so does the urgency of negotiations about sharing the water of the northward flowing rivers. Past experience on eastward flowing rivers shows that a co-operative approach led the prairie provinces to a basic agreement on…
Published in the Globe and Mail on February 22, 2012 By Lawrence Herman Will there really be a trade war with the European Union over imports of Canadian fuel from the oil sands? The media have been reporting it this way, based on letter sent in December to the EU environmental commissioner by Canada’s EU ambassador. It said that if the proposed EU fuel quality directive (FQD) is…