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Published in the Financial Post on October 27, 2014

By Randy Bauslaugh

Randy Bauslaugh is Partner, McCarthy Tetrault, and author of “Target Benefit plans: Improving Access for Federally Regulated Employees,” published by the C.D. Howe Institute.

The federal focus on protecting plan members, without regard to employers, scares federal employers.

Federal consultations have just wrapped up on how and whether to offer a “new” pension option to federally regulated employers like banks and airlines. This option is known as target benefit pension plans or TBP. The government heard from a host of employers, unions, retiree groups, actuaries and lawyers on a broad range of issues. Let’s hope the government proceeds to make this pension option more available – TBPs are a good idea. Let’s also hope that Ottawa fixes a glaring legal barrier that will otherwise continue to scare nervous employers away from them.

Pension experts have hailed TBPs as an attractive alternative to defined-contribution (DC) plans, which have fixed contributions, and traditional defined-benefit (DB) plans, which provide a guaranteed level of pension on retirement. TBPs combine the best features of both. They don’t leave all the financial risk with plan members, like DC plans do. Nor do they leave all the financial risk with employers, like DB plans. They are a kind of hybrid that allows financial and other risks for payment of the promised benefits to be shared.

The federal consultation material is well thought out. It proposes expanding the existing system beyond federally regulated multi-employer and negotiated cost plans to allow single employer plans to become TBPs.

The key attraction for members of TBPs is that they reap the cost efficiencies and benefits that come from pooling major risks like investment and mortality risk. The literature suggests TBPs should be significantly more efficient at delivering pensions than DC plans – something in the order of 40% to 76% more efficient. The downside is they do not enjoy quite the same degree of certainty about pension outcomes as members of DB plans.

The key attraction for employers is that their contributions are fixed or capped. This provides cost and financial reporting certainty. Plan administrators have discretion to adjust benefits up or down to respond to economic and other realities. The downside is that under existing legislation the federal regulator, the Superintendent of Financial Institutions, can overturn a decision to reduce benefits, possibly leaving the employer scrambling to make good on plan benefits.

Experience has shown this risk is too great for a prudent employer to take on.

To explain: The federal consultation paper says TBPs are new. They are not new; they have been available for decades for multi-employer and negotiated cost plans in federally regulated industries. The reason they have not caught on? The pension regulator has veto power over the plan fiduciary’s ability to adjust benefits downwards to match the agreed upon level of funding.

The problem with the veto is that plan administrators (the fiduciaries) have a different mandate than the federal regulator. In making decisions about adjusting benefits, fiduciaries are legally required to balance the interests of the employer, employees, retirees and other beneficiaries. Under existing federal law however the regulator must “strive” to protect plan member interests.

Since benefit reductions are rarely in the interest of plan members, employers are justifiably concerned that the regulator will not approve a reducing amendment that plan administrators deem fair. If the regulator does not approve, employers might be required to pay more than they bargained for. It shouldn’t be a surprise that the federal focus on protecting plan members, without regard to employers, scares federal employers away from TBPs.

Based on the response to the consultation it appears that the vast majority of stakeholders — employers, unions and others — are in favour of TBPs. But even if the federal government implements every one of its proposals, TBPs are unlikely to get any traction federally, unless the regulator’s lopsided veto power is addressed.

The solution is easy. Provide clarity. Do this by (i) explicitly requiring the regulator to respect employer contribution limits and/or (ii) give the regulator the same even-handed oversight role as the fiduciaries it supervises – as is the case in other Canadian jurisdictions.

No matter what great improvements are made to accommodate TBPs for federally regulated employers and their employees, TBPs won’t get off the launch pad unless this fundamental flaw gets fixed.