Foreign Students Studying in Canada Enjoy Edge in the Job Market

August 30, 2018 – With Canadian post-secondary institutions increasingly searching for tuition and talent from foreign students, monitoring their labour-market performance has critical implications for education and immigration policy, according to a new report from the C.D. Howe Institute.

Inside Access: Comparing Outcomes - The Relative Job-Market Performance of Former International Students

Canada is increasingly looking to international students as a source of post-secondary tuition revenues and new immigrants. This paper compares the labour-market performance of former international students who studied at Canadian institutions through the first decade of the 2000s to their Canadian born and educated, as well as to their foreign born and educated, counterparts.

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From: Chi Man Yip

To: Hon. George Heyman, British Columbia Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy

CC: Ministers of Environment and Energy across Canada

Re: What do we learn from British Columbia’s carbon tax?

Date: August 28, 2018

Professor of Law, University of Ottawa

A new NAFTA isn’t even close to the finish line - Globe and Mail Op-Ed

Another confusing day in Washington, with U.S. President Donald Trump talking by phone to the Mexican President and then suggesting the two countries could conclude a bilateral agreement, now that some kind of understanding with Mexico on auto rules of origin has been reached.

Telling the Mexican President that the United States might want to pursue a separate trade deal with them seems to have taken the Mexicans aback, Mexico never contemplating having to go up alone against the United States. It’s clear by now that Mr. Trump and his team don’t like dealing with Canada.

SVP, Talent, TD Bank Group
Vice President, Business Development